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Yup, Part 2 already, welcome to Drake Clawfang's Final Fantasy VII walkthrough!

Mission 2[]

Head upstairs in the morning and talk to Tifa, the answer you give affects the date; if you want Barret, say you slept next to him, to date Tifa say you slept next to her. Barret asks for a tutorial on Materia, don't give him one. Game tutorials suck and I'll give you a perfectly fine one right now. Welcome to "Using, Equipping and Leveling Up Materia 101"!

Each weapon and armor piece has so many Materia slots. Materia can let the holder cast spells, use special commands like Steal, modifies their stats or gives them some sort of power. Some weapons have linked Materia slots, which lets you set up a spell with an added effect. For example, set up a Restore Materia with an All Materia, and you can cast Cure on the entire party. Materia levels up as well, by gaining AP in battle, just like characters. Some weapons also have the Materia on them grow faster or not at all, and as Materia levels up it gives access to stronger spells, and once a Materia is mastered you get a new Materia to level up in addition to the old one with all its spells. Swapping Materia from character to character does not alter its power in any way - you can spend the entire disk with a Fire Materia on Cloud, and you can switch it to Tifa and it will do exactly the same stuff as it did for Cloud. Also, equipping someone with two of the same Materia does not give anything special like increased power and is generally a waste, except for Independent (Purple) Materia, which give stat boosts and such. Purple Materia effects can accumulate by equipping more of them, but equipping like, three Fire Materia, will not power up your Fire spell.

Simple, right? Head back to the weapons shop and enter the second floor if you need more tutorials, but you don't because you have me, right? Talk to the lower-right guy for an All Materia, then open the chest that appears for an Ether. Equip Cloud with the All Materia and the Bolt Materia on the Buster Sword - Cloud can now cast Bolt on entire enemy parties and can decimate them. Enter the shop left of the weapons shop to find an item/Materia store. Buy some elemental Materia and another Restore Materia, if you run out of cash just sell an Ether, which you should have one of. Equip this Materia now, make sure at least one person besides Cloud has Bolt Materia. Now head back to the train, saving on the way. If you want to level up a little, head to the screen right of the station. When you're ready, hop on the train.

Here, the gang splits up and Barret harasses the train hand for being a wimp until Tifa calls him off. Then it seems there's a problem with the fake ID's they're using. As there's no way to avoid the checkpoint otherwise they're jumping off the train. Go look at the monitor with Tifa - she tells you to come closer.

This is the other thing I hate about Cloud besides his memory issues. I think Aeris is hotter, but Tifa's not bad either, and they spend the game both throwing themselves at Cloud and we never get anything except the single date sequence and that single moment prior to the attack on the Northern Crater. Come on, Cloud, Cecil hugged Rosa, Locke and Celes had plenty of tender moments, even that wimp Squall had Rinoa sitting in his lap. Hell, Zidane grabbed Garnet's ass! Cloud, you don't even make a try for either Tifa or Aeris, for shame.

Anyway, the security check happens ahead of schedule. Run from car to car before the timer runs out, it's fairly easy. Then the gang jumps off the train. Now go down many screens to find some Shinra guards. Approach them to fight a group of Special Combatants, they can survive a physical hit but die to a single cast of an offensive spell from Cloud and thus shouldn't pose a serious threat. If you gave Cloud that All Materia linked to Bolt, he can group-cast Bolt and wipe out these enemies all day, or more likely, until he runs out of MP. After the fight you can run or stay and fight some more. These guys leave 80 exp and 120 gil, which is not bad at all. Stay and level up until everyone is Level 8 or 9, Tifa begins at Level 5 and needs the boost. It's a little tedious but leveling up early will save you trouble later on, and that is true the RPG world over.

Now head all the way up until you find the security point, and enter the grate on the left wall. Grab the Ether and keep going down. Climb down, go left and down the ladders some more. In the next area, climb either of the ladders to the left to a small area with Jessie. Go down the left grate to find a save point with a Tent right in front of it. Save and use the Tent if you need to.

Spaz Attack[]

Okay, we're attacking the next reactor. Go up the ladder near the save and slide down the pipe in the next area. Go down and left and into the door. From here it's the exact same path as in the last reactor, jump over the gap, and down the ladders and the pipes, save and go across the catwalk. As you approach the core, Cloud has a seizure and there's a short flashback to a similar reactor with Tifa crying over her father. There's that name, Sephiroth. Hm...Tifa declares her hatred of SOLDIER and Shinra, then grabs the nearby sword and charges into the doorway above her. That done, follow Tifa to the core and then run up the path out, the same path out as the last reactor up the large staircase in the room you came in. Go up the elevator and swipe the Ether nearby.

The door out is closed, and getting past requires you to play the first of many, many annoying mini-games. There is not a single-minigame in this entire game that is good, I'm warning you now - some are just less annoying than other. In this one, all three buttons have to be pressed at once. The problem is there's no way of telling when Tifa and Barret are gonng push their buttons, so it's mostly a lot of trial and error until you get it right. Just be patient, if you lose your cool here there's no way you'll survive the minigames later on. Leave the reactor once you get it and go up. Save if you wish.

Air Buster
Air buster
HP MP Dangerous Attack
1200 0 None
Steal Morph Drops
Can't Steal Can't Morph Titan Bangle
Weakness Resistance Difficulty
Lightning Gravity, Earth 1/5

Here, the Shinra corner you and you meet President Shinra himself. There's a scene, of course, where he acts like an ass and makes a point of not knowing Cloud's name because he's not as famous as Sephiroth. The president calls him brilliant - I can think of a lot of words that can be used to describe Sephiroth's intelligence, but "brilliant" ain't one of them. After some more arrogant jack-assness from the president, he takes off in a helicopter and sics a boss on you.

Yes, Air Buster is just as weak as the first boss! The reason for this is that the battle is a side attack, which basically means that two of your party members on on his left and the third is on his right - in this case that third person is Cloud. Air Buster has to turn to attack and turns when attacked, and whenever an enemy is hit from behind it's an automatic critical hit. You can figure out what this means - have Cloud and Barret takes turns blasting him with physicals so his back is always turned to the attacking character ensuring every hit criticals. Cloud and Barret will both do 200 damage or more like this. Add in Tifa casting Bolt (or Cure if needed), and Air Buster will die with great ease. He can hit hard, so you can charge Limit Breaks easily, but you'll likely have to abuse Cure a bit. If Barret and Cloud Limit Break, they can knock off half his HP by hitting him from behind.

After the battle the catwalk collapses, leaving Cloud hanging from the edge. Be strong to impress Barret or say you can't hold on for Tifa, this is more date subquest stuff. Anyway, the reactor explodes and sends Cloud on a long trip straight down.

Cloud's Not Hairy Enough To Be Donkey Kong[]

Cloud has some sort of weird internal monologue that is never explained. Is he speaking to his true self? Zack? That Ellone bitch from VIII? Oh well. Cloud wakes up talking to the best character in the game, that girl you bought the flower from earlier. Seems Cloud crash-landed through the roof of her church into her makeshift garden. Talk to her a bit (it doesn't matter if you say you remember her or not) and she mentions she has a useless Materia left to her by her mother. Talk some more until she goes to tend the flowers, and talk to her once again to finally name her - Aeris.

PLAYABLE CHARACTER - Aeris Gainsborough

Aeris Portrait

She's cute and sweet, but this girl is going to start a war someday thanks to her name, and I don't mean an edit war although she still has a knack for causing those too. I love Aeris, she's my favorite FF7 character. I like her because she's spunky, flirty, witty and fun. But Square-Enix, much like they did with Cloud, reduced her to a generic "pure and sweet" archetype in later appearances, very disappointing. Aeris is a White Mage and equips rods, which have low power. They make up for it with special Materia powers, like Double growth or lots of slots, so she should be a mage character - slot Aeris up with your best magic and summon Materia. Aeris' Limit Breaks revolve around healing your party one way or the other, and her ultimate Limit fully restores the party and makes them invincible. Her higher-level healing abilities are unrivaled in this, and thus, IMO no Disk 1 party is complete without Aeris. Use and abuse her powers to their fullest.

Cloud tells Aeris he's a jack-of-all trades, which is the closest to flirting he'll ever come in the whole game - "he does what's needed". Then someone comes in the church. Talk to Aeris some more and she'll ask you to be her bodyguard. He wants to charge her, and she offers a date as payment. Wow, guard Aeris and she dates you in return? Talk about your win-win situations.

Meet Reno, a Turk. The Turks are basically Shinra's hired thugs with pretty nifty theme music. Cloud and Aeris run into the back while Reno tells his thugs to watch the flowers - after stepping on them himself. In the back (in the back with Aeris, there's a nice thought) open the menu and move Aeris to the front row and give her that Titan Bangle you won from Air Buster. Go right, jump to the stairs, up and around until Reno comes after you. Cloud makes the jump to the rafters, but Aeris doesn't have time to try and falls into the basement.

Now, you can do one of several things - have Aeris run, fight or stay put. If she runs or stays, you have to push a barrel off the rafters to save her. If you push the right barrel she's good, if not she has to fight. How you do here affects the date later, but as Aeris is already the default it doesn't really matter. You lose a lot of points (literally, the date subquest uses a point system) if you push the barrels wrong but lose only one point for fighting, so do that because it's a lot quicker than pushing the barrels and running away. If you moved Aeris into the front row like I told you she can dispatch the guards with one hit. I have to agree with BH personally - you gotta love a woman that can kick your ass. Once she makes it to the top, you both escape through the roof.

Outside, seems Aeris has been pursued by Shinra before, and she talks her way out of explaining why. In the next area run left across the rubble until Aeris calls after you and Cloud teases her a bit. Keep going left into the next area, and left some more. Use the Save Point and enter the next area. Go up here to find a town-like area. Enter the pipe above you and press Circle. Examine the guy in the pipe to find out about his number tattoo. Enter the southern shop to find a Materia store, buy some Fire Materia and give one each to Cloud and Aeris. The shop next to it sells Items, buy what you feel you need, another Tent would be nice. Tents are always nice to have a good stock of. For some reason, the woman describes her services as "trading gil for items". Yeah, we typically call that a "store", lady.

After you've bought what you need, feel free to poke around the houses a bit. Enter the lower-right house and examine the "Turtle's Paradise" poster up the stairs in particular, this is important later. In the end, leave the "town" to the east. Save and go into the garden and pick up the purple Cover Materia - it's not that useful unless you want a meatshield to absorb hits and Limit Break faster. Nearby grab the Ether, then enter Aeris' house.

Drake Clawfang's FFVII Walkthrough
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