Final Fantasy Wiki
Gilgamesh: Enough expository banter!
This talk page is used for discussing improvements to the page "Hashmal". It is not the place for general discussion or sharing stories about the topic of this article.

Merge with Hashmalum, or keep separate? koku 23:19, 1 December 2006 (UTC)


FFIV Protobabil ds
FFIV Protobabil ds

Meaning of the name...[]

"The Dominions (lat. dominatio, pl. dominationes), also known as the Hashmallim, hold the task of regulating the duties of lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to mortals. Instead, they quietly concern themselves with the details of existence. They are also the angels who preside over nations."

Makes sense that Hashmal / Hasmalum, THE REGULATOR, is named after a rank of regulating angels.... - Shatterproof

While as far as I know, you are entirelely correct, the first thought that came to me is that this sounds an awful lot like the hebrew word for "electricity" -- 11:25, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

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