Final Fantasy Wiki


The Nightwalker is an undead/reaper-type enemy from Final Fantasy XII. It can be found in the Subterra area of the Pharos and in the Ward of Measure area of Stilshrine of Miriam. Like other reapers, Nightwalkers can teleport, and the party cannot attack them mid-teleport.

Bestiary entry

Note: Shares Entry with Reaper Mage and Reaper Claw.

Page 1: Observations

Thus are called those reapers, deities of death, that wander the darkness devouring the souls of men. Some are known for the strength of their blades, others for the strength of their magicks. They are feared as demons for their cruelty, and indeed the sight of them devouring a man's soul is said to be worse than a lifetime of torture, yet, oddly, the expressions left upon the faces of those whose souls have been devoured are not masks of pain, but of beatific calm. This has led some to speculate that it is not, perhaps, the Inferno to which they bear their victims, but Paradise.

Page 2: Aletap Rumors



In the Ward of Measure of the Stilshrine of Miriam, there are no enemies named Nightwalker that appear. Instead Nightwalker's two lesser variants called Reaper Claw and Reaper Mage spawn near the Way Stone after Judge Bergan is defeated.

In the Subterra of Pharos at Ridorana, Nightwalkers do not spawn easily. One will need to spend at least seven minutes in the Subterra and Nightwalker will appear in any of the rooms of the Penumbra, Umbra, and Abyssal near the Pedestal of Night.



Nightwalker is a literal translation of many terms (such as Sanskrit tāmisra, niśācara, and kṣaṇada) for the Rākṣasas, a class of Indian demons. It can also refer to sleepwalking.

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