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Forums: Index > The Dollet Hotel > Archive > Dissidia - Lying God of Death

I hate Dissidia. I hate the characters, I hate the music, I hate the equipment draw, I hate the story, and I hate Chaos. Yes, I am head-on fighting the devil himself, and consequitively dying. EVERY LAST TIME! I am ONLY playing as Firion, Level 51 and equipped with a Partisan, Force Shield, Golden Helm and Black Belt Gi. Maybe this is because Firion is the only good character in this game... he's also my second fave (With my first fave being pretty obvious) character in the history of gaming.

So how does one kill Chaos? There's no pattern to his attacks, all of his attacks can't be dodged, and BradyGames are the worst strategy guide writers I've ever known. Oh yeah, and I HAVE to complete Dissidia, otherwise I can't play 012, which I have vowed to complete before I start Crisis Core (I'll start 7 after CC).

Hi! I'm KirbiMiroir! (talk) 18:27, January 23, 2016 (UTC)
