Final Fantasy Wiki

Trio of dice that deal more damage the higher they roll.


The Fixed Dice (イカサマのダイス, Ikasama no Daisu?) is a recurring weapon and item in the Final Fantasy series.


Final Fantasy VI

Template:Sideicon Fixed Dice is a weapon that only Setzer can equip. It has an attack power of 1, and can be found in Kefka's Tower. This weapon is affected by the Capture glitch.

When used, three dice are thrown at the opponent, and the damage dealt is equal to the product of all three rolls multiplied by Setzer's level, then doubled. If all dice rolls are the same, the damage is multiplied again by one of those rolls.

A, B, C -> Number rolled on each die
L -> Setzer's Level
T -> T=A if Setzer rolls a triple, otherwise T=1
Damage = A x B x C x L x T x 2

The Fixed Dice is a ranged weapon that ignores defense, the Master's Scroll damage penalty, and all other factors that normally determine damage. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 have a 3/16 chance of appearing, while 5 and 6 have a 1/8 chance (on the first two dice only; the third one has 1/6 chance for each digit).

What makes the Fixed Dice so unique is their high damage output—rolling triple 6, while difficult, would result in doing damage equal to Setzer's level times 864 - 6 x 6 x 6, x 2 x 2. Thus, at as low a level as 50 Setzer can do thousands of damage with relatively low rolls, and with a bit of luck, can easily inflict 9999 damage a roll. Combined with the Master's Scroll, Setzer could take out many of the game's bosses in a single attack, and with Quick cast to allow him to attack twice, Setzer potentially could kill any boss on his own.

Over the long term, the Fixed Dice deals damage averaging to about 71 times Setzer's level per hit, while most of the time dealing damage around 42 times Setzer's level.

Fixed Dice Damage Multiplier table
Dmg Multiplier % of Rolling Expected Dmg Median (at 50%)
4 0.0263671875 0.10546875 0.0263671875
6 0.019775390625 0.11865234375 0.046142578125
8 0.03955078125 0.31640625 0.085693359375
10 0.01318359375 0.1318359375 0.098876953125
12 0.052734375 0.6328125 0.151611328125
16 0.03955078125 0.6328125 0.191162109375
18 0.019775390625 0.35595703125 0.2109375
20 0.0263671875 0.52734375 0.2373046875
24 0.085693359375 2.056640625 0.322998046875
30 0.0263671875 0.791015625 0.349365234375
32 0.046142578125 1.4765625 0.3955078125
36 0.046142578125 1.6611328125 0.441650390625
40 0.03955078125 1.58203125 0.481201171875
48 0.0791015625 3.796875 0.560302734375
50 0.0087890625 0.439453125 0.569091796875
60 0.0439453125 2.63671875 0.613037109375
64 0.019775390625 1.265625 0.6328125
72 0.054931640625 3.955078125 0.687744140625
80 0.0263671875 2.109375 0.714111328125
90 0.01318359375 1.1865234375 0.727294921875
96 0.046142578125 4.4296875 0.7734375
100 0.0087890625 0.87890625 0.7822265625
108 0.019775390625 2.1357421875 0.802001953125
120 0.0439453125 5.2734375 0.845947265625
144 0.03515625 5.0625 0.881103515625
150 0.0087890625 1.318359375 0.889892578125
160 0.01318359375 2.109375 0.903076171875
180 0.017578125 3.1640625 0.920654296875
192 0.01318359375 2.53125 0.933837890625
200 0.0087890625 1.7578125 0.942626953125
216 0.0087890625 1.8984375 0.951416015625
240 0.017578125 4.21875 0.968994140625
256 0.006591796875 1.6875 0.9755859375
288 0.0087890625 2.53125 0.984375
300 0.005859375 1.7578125 0.990234375
360 0.005859375 2.109375 0.99609375
500 0.001953125 0.9765625 0.998046875
864 0.001953125 1.6875 1
sum expected 71.306640625

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance


Loaded dice. Remember: it's not nice to cheat.


Loaded Dice is a mission item that provides a 9% Attack bonus when brought into battle.

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Template:Sideicon Loaded Dice is an item that increases Strength by 2.

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Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy

Template:Sideicon Fixed Dice is a thrown weapon.

The Fixed Dice is also mentioned in the Mognet letter sent by Kathy, who tells the player of their luck for the day. The Fixed Dice seems to be the player's lucky weapon for the day, but equipping it doesn't mean the character's Luck would increase.

Your Luck Today: Bomb

Enjoy toying with an opponent's weak spot? "Warring Triad" is your nemesis, kupo! The myriad of forms it takes to appear to you will always keep the relationship fresh! Today's lucky weapon is "Fixed Dice," kupo!

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade


FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper


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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius


FFTA Buster SwordThis section about equipment in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is empty or needs to be expanded. You can help the Final Fantasy Wiki by expanding it.



A loaded die is a die whose weight distribution has been altered getting it to land more often on a specific side.

