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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Original Soundtrack page!
Please expand this article into a full one. The following tasks need to be completed:
  • Descriptions of when tracks play.

This request can be discussed on the associated discussion page. Remove this notice upon completion.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Original Soundtrack is the complete soundtrack for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. This album has two versions of the soundtrack. Disc one contains the original Game Boy Advance versions. Disc two contains the same songs, omitting ten of the shorter tracks from disc one, arranged in fully orchestrated versions.

The music is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, except for the "Main Theme", which is composed by Nobuo Uematsu, "Amber Valley", "Difficult Battle", "Battle for Hope", "The Road We Aim for Together", composed by Ayako Sasou, and "Undefeated Spirit", "Go Across the Wall", "The Wilderness Beyond", "Unavoidable Destiny", composed by Kaori Ohkoshi.

Track list[]

Disc One: Game Boy Advance Original Version (52:03)[]

  1. Main Theme — 1:46
    (メインテーマ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  2. Snow Dancing in the Schoolyard — 1:18
    (舞う校庭, [missing rōmaji]?)
  3. Companions that Surpassed Their Races — 1:58
    (種族をこえた仲間たち, [missing rōmaji]?)
  4. Monster Farm — 1:51
    (魔獣牧場, [missing rōmaji]?)
  5. Crystal — 1:11
    (クリスタル, [missing rōmaji]?)
  6. Unhideable Anxiety — 1:47
    (かくせない不安, [missing rōmaji]?)
  7. In the Amber Valley — 1:54
    (琥珀色の谷で, [missing rōmaji]?)
  8. Victory Bell — 0:08
    (勝利の鐘, [missing rōmaji]?)
  9. At the Pub — 1:22
    (酒場にて, [missing rōmaji]?)
  10. Ivalice, the Other World — 1:09
    (異世界イヴァリース, [missing rōmaji]?)
  11. Engage — 0:08
    (エンゲージ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  12. Gathering Allies — 1:07
    (あつまる仲間, [missing rōmaji]?)
  13. Walking in Ivalice — 1:33
    (イヴァリースの歩き方, [missing rōmaji]?)
  14. Wind of Hope — 0:08
    (希望の風, [missing rōmaji]?)
  15. Teach Me, Montblanc — 1:04
    (おしえてモンブラン, [missing rōmaji]?)
  16. Wounded Ally — 0:07
    (傷つく仲間, [missing rōmaji]?)
  17. Undefeated Heart — 1:29
    (まけない心, [missing rōmaji]?)
  18. Gained Fruit — 0:13
    (勝ち得た果実, [missing rōmaji]?)
  19. Marche — 0:59
    (マーシュ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  20. Tough Battle — 2:01
    (苦しい戦い, [missing rōmaji]?)
  21. Notice of Retreat — 0:08
    (退却の知らせ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  22. Sleep of Defeat — 0:49
    (敗北の眠り, [missing rōmaji]?)
  23. Prison — 1:37
    (プリズン, [missing rōmaji]?)
  24. Overcoming the Wall — 1:18
    (こえていく壁, [missing rōmaji]?)
  25. Exhausted Ones — 0:13
    (疲れ果てたもの, [missing rōmaji]?)
  26. Mewt — 1:28
    (ミュート, [missing rōmaji]?)
  27. Battle for Hope — 2:05
    (希望への戦い, [missing rōmaji]?)
  28. Level Up — 0:07
    (レベルアップ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  29. Law Card — 1:22
    (ロウカード, [missing rōmaji]?)
  30. Ritz — 1:37
    (リッツ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  31. Mysterious Shop — 1:03
    (不思議なショップ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  32. The Road We Aim for Together — 1:45
    (ともに目指す道, [missing rōmaji]?)
  33. Wind of Liberation — 0:14
    (解放の風, [missing rōmaji]?)
  34. Disorientation — 1:34
    (とまどい, [missing rōmaji]?)
  35. Judge — 0:08
    (ジャッジ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  36. Beyond the Wasteland — 1:20
    (荒野のむこう, [missing rōmaji]?)
  37. The World Starting to Move — 1:22
    (動きだす世界, [missing rōmaji]?)
  38. Unavoidable Destiny — 1:33
    (さけられぬ運命, [missing rōmaji]?)
  39. Incarnation — 1:51
    (化身, [missing rōmaji]?)
  40. Vanishing World — 2:06
    (消え行く世界, [missing rōmaji]?)
  41. The Place We Should Return To — 2:15
    (帰るべきところ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  42. Fragments of a Fulfilled Dream — 2:55
    (かなえられた夢のかけら, [missing rōmaji]?)

Disc Two: Full Sound Version (1:13:24)[]

  1. Main Theme — 1:44
    (メインテーマ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  2. Snow Dancing in the Schoolyard — 2:37
    (雪舞う校庭, [missing rōmaji]?)
  3. Companions that Surpassed Their Races — 3:28
    (種族をこえた仲間たち, [missing rōmaji]?)
  4. Monster Farm — 1:45
    (魔獣牧場, [missing rōmaji]?)
  5. Crystal — 1:41
    (クリスタル, [missing rōmaji]?)
  6. Unhideable Anxiety — 4:06
    (かくせない不安, [missing rōmaji]?)
  7. In the Amber Valley — 3:40
    (琥珀色の谷で, [missing rōmaji]?)
  8. At the Pub — 1:16
    (酒場にて, [missing rōmaji]?)
  9. Ivalice, the Other World — 1:14
    (異世界イヴァリース, [missing rōmaji]?)
  10. Gathering Allies — 1:41
    (あつまる仲間, [missing rōmaji]?)
  11. Walking in Ivalice — 1:45
    (イヴァリースの歩き方, [missing rōmaji]?)
  12. Teach Me, Montblanc — 2:00
    (おしえてモンブラン, [missing rōmaji]?)
  13. Undefeated Heart — 7:33
    (まけない心, [missing rōmaji]?)
  14. Marche — 2:16
    (マーシュ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  15. Tough Battle — 3:49
    (苦しい戦い, [missing rōmaji]?)
  16. Sleep of Defeat — 0:39
    (敗北の眠り, [missing rōmaji]?)
  17. Prison — 1:37
    (プリズン, [missing rōmaji]?)
  18. Overcoming the Wall — 1:22
    (こえていく壁, [missing rōmaji]?)
  19. Mewt — 1:31
    (ミュート, [missing rōmaji]?)
  20. Battle for Hope — 3:49
    (希望への戦い, [missing rōmaji]?)
  21. Law Card — 1:22
    (ロウカード, [missing rōmaji]?)
  22. Ritz — 1:31
    (リッツ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  23. Mysterious Shop — 1:03
    (不思議なショップ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  24. The Road We Aim for Together — 1:46
    (ともに目指す道, [missing rōmaji]?)
  25. Disorientation — 1:35
    (とまどい, [missing rōmaji]?)
  26. Beyond the Wasteland — 2:27
    (荒野のむこう, [missing rōmaji]?)
  27. The World Starting to Move — 2:28
    (動きだす世界, [missing rōmaji]?)
  28. Unavoidable Destiny — 2:39
    (さけられぬ運命, [missing rōmaji]?)
  29. Incarnation — 1:48
    (化身, [missing rōmaji]?)
  30. Vanishing World — 2:03
    (消え行く世界, [missing rōmaji]?)
  31. The Place We Should Return To — 2:15
    (帰るべきところ, [missing rōmaji]?)
  32. Fragments of a Fulfilled Dream — 2:54
    (かなえられた夢のかけら, [missing rōmaji]?)


See also[]

