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This is one of the four Sound Novels of Final Fantasy Tactics. It has been translated from Japanese by Mark Rosa a.k.a. DaBubba. A link to his page is available in the main page.


A book said to have enough power to change history if it were to be released publicly. It concerns the actions of a certain woman.



...looks like you bagged the rabbit...
...haven't played the seven yet? Use it before the situation changes....'ve just gotten used to the stink of Laga...
...when are you going to take care of that dog, anyway? ...

Communication No. 12704361

Secrecy Level: 4

Re: Oeilvert

Temporarily freeze all rights given to Oeilvert and put them with Poissonrie. Have Sentir monitor Oeil, put Jumelle on the dog, and have Poissonrie oversee the whole operation. Under no circumstances is Oeil to know of this transmission. Keep watch as in the past, and maintain top-level secrecy.

End of message

Scent of a Red Rose[]


"My name is Anietta. I'm about as common as an orange in winter.

It's been four years since I first rented a room in this town, and today looks to be a day like any other. But inside me is another person, locked away, knocking like the heroine in a horror novel in an effort to get out."

With the voices of children outside at her back, she put her shirt on. The curtains were reddened by the sunset, and the wind rustled against her shoulder like it was just now remembering to do so.


"How about zis, Simone? I think zis is a good opening. I just love writing; once I get started, my pen keeps right on moving."

1. "Who's your model for Anietta?"

2. "By the way, has your amnesia cleared up?"

3. Kill Pablo

"Who's your model for Anietta?"[]

"Who's your model for Anietta? Some woman I've never met before?"

"Ah, Simone, my darleeng, ze model is none other than you! You are ze epitome of élégance, ze paragon of perfection! My mind is filled with thoughts of you! You tell me nothing about yourself, and my mind wanders to idle spèculatións! Simone, my beloved, why must you...!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To Sentir

"By the way, has your amnesia cleared up?"[]

"By the way, has your amnesia cleared up? Do you plan to live the rest of your life without ever remembering?"

"Non, non! I cannot remember a thing from before zat day when I washed up on ze shore! But that means nothing! I shall throw away the past, write my novel... and be with you, Simone!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To Sentir


"Working under Poissonrie is a nerve-wrackin' bitch. You never know if he's gonna do you in; if he starts acting cold to you, look out! Sometimes I just wish a dog would maul that man to death!"

"Would you please stop complaining like that? Listening to this, I wonder how it was that you were chosen as a liaison to begin with."

"Sure are cold to men you're not interested in, eh? But you hesitated when you greased Black, didn't you? You know why that was? It's because you lost your nerve. Same thing this time. If you don't handle him as soon as possible, you'll get emotionally involved and you won't be able to finish the job."

1. "Thanks for the warning."

2. "I've got to get going."

"Thanks for the warning."[]

"Thanks for the warning."

"Responding politely like a nice girl; I like that.

I don't know what secrets he knows, but if he starts to remember anything funny, bag him. Don't hesitate! Also, let me give you a little piece of advice. The Organization is looking to backstab you. Play it carefully, will you?"

"You're not right for this kind of work, Sentir. When this job is over, I'm going to have to report you."

"Whoa! Oeilvert, you're one strict lady! If you botch this thing, the whole organization could come down. You're the boss's pet, so maybe they'd come after me! Hey, by the way, are you free later?"

"I have to be going."

"Heeey, Oeilvert! Icy cold today, hey? OK, one last thing. How confident are you that you can get the job done? As a percentage?"

1. "I'd say 120%."

2. "Maybe about 70%."

3. "Stop asking such stupid questions."

"I've got to get going."[]

"I've got to get going."

"Heeey, Oeilvert! Icy cold today, hey? OK, one last thing. How confident are you that you can get the job done? As a percentage?"

1. "I'd say 120%."

2. "Maybe about 70%."

3. "Stop asking such stupid questions."

"I'd say 120%."[]

"I'd say 120%. I have my professional pride, you know."

To 'Matoya's Cave'

"Maybe about 70%."[]

"Maybe about 70%. That's probably a good measure of my loyalty to the organization as well. And if you want to report that to Poissonrie, go ahead."

To 'Matoya's Cave'

"Stop asking such stupid questions."[]

"Stop asking such stupid questions. You put on airs almost as much as that ridiculous King Kylai."

"Whoa, I love it when you talk down to me like that!"

To 'Matoya's Cave'

Matoya's Cave[]

West of Sheriluria, near where the River Cinq flows, there's a ruin called Erangum, which means "burned town" in the local language.

Near the end of the War of the Four Saints -- 89 years ago according to the people, but 93 years ago in the official Sheriluria annals -- 120,000 soldiers in Garfbray's nefarious eastern army met the 80,000 of the western army, led by Polydictus the Copper. And this hamlet became the battlefield, and in a single night it was destroyed.

The tale was passed down by lute-strumming troubadours, translated into seven languages, and published in thirteen countries. They sang of heroic deeds, divine providence, but in fact these tales had been rewritten under orders of those in power at the time, and thus told one-sided truths. In order that the same mistakes could be made again, and that war should once again erupt, names of gods were invoked and ugly realities hidden.

"How's this one? Unlike my past efforts, this shall become a magnum opus! Deux mille pages du texte!"

1. "Will it be done before the seas dry up?"

2. "I like the atmosphere. Sounds promising."

3. Kill him

"Will it be done before the seas dry up?"[]

"You only write two pages a day, and four days a week you sleep all day long. Can you finish it before the seas dry up?"

"Ahh, Simone! I have so many factors to consider! The publishers have given me an extension so that it can be even more... extraordinaire! And every day my mind is filled with thoughts of you, Simone, ma cherie!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Sapphire Chapel'

"I like the atmosphere. Sounds promising."[]

"I like the atmosphere. Sounds promising. And I mean that! If you keep that up, it'll be published for sure."

"If it pleases you, darleeng, tout va bien! To tell ze truth, I know not what to write next. But to hear your praise fills me with joy! Perhaps I should start on another work! But before zat..."

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Sapphire Chapel'

Sapphire Chapel[]

The barbarian took up residence in a chapel abandoned during the war. He ate human meat and covered his body in human skins. He would wander long distances and return, passing the long days. He avoided becoming the subject of children's fearful tales, and even adults dreaded to come near him. He stared at his reflection in the small greenish-tinted lake, which even travelers rarely visited.

There was a rumor that the barbarian had a treasure hoard. Landed gentlemen snorted in contempt as another wanderer squared off with the barbarian in battle. When one man's head came off with a spurt of blood, the people locked the chapel with a huge key, leaving the barbarian's dead eyes to shine blue from deep within the catacombs...

"Simone, ees zees barbarian not fascinating? He is in fact an accomplished swordsman who went insane during the war!"

1. "I'd like to see the finished product."

2. "I hate the stink of barbarians."

3. Kill him

"I'd like to see the finished product."[]

"I'd like to see the finished product. How many novels have you begun, only to give up halfway through?"

"Ohhh, Simone! Say not such theengs to me! Say them, and I am finished! Ze fact is, I can write only opening chapters! My only area of genius! I get distracted by..."

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Monster World'

"I hate the stink of barbarians."[]

"I hate the stink of barbarians. We certainly are different people!"

"You know, I sometimes feel that before my memories disappeared, I was a man of toughness and puissance! Such strong feelings welling up from within my heart! Simone! I shall be ze knight who saves you!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Monster World'

Monster World[]

This island is uninhabited. I have come alone to study the behaviour of the monsters and prepare material for the royal nature magazine. Monster World -- a land governed by the death god's hand!

7th Capricorn: Sunny weather. Today a letter from my sister arrived. The well water was dirty, so I went off to the river to gather clean water for breakfast. And there I found some red fruit. I ate one and it tasted so pleasant! It reminded me of my first love! It sat on my tongue like a soft kiss, with the flavor lingering just so! It felt so good that I lay down for a nap.

"How's this one, Simone? I'm presenting it in diary format. What do you think? A man's fears and sadnesses mixed within a happy tale!"

1. "Sounds boring."

2. "Sounds interesting."

3. Kill him

"Sounds boring."[]

"Who wants to read another person's diary? And since I know you're the author, I feel like I'm reading your diary."

"Ahh, Simone! Thees ees a novella! I am an auteur!"

1. "You mean you don't keep a diary?"

2. "Autre? Say that again?"

3. Kill him

"You mean you don't keep a diary?"[]

"You mean you don't keep a diary?"

"Simone, my life contains nothing worthy of ècrirer! I need only..."

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'The Uribo and the Lociotti'

"Autre? Say that again?"[]

"Say that again?"

"L'Autre! Simone, je t'aime!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'The Uribo and the Lociotti'

"Sounds interesting."[]

"Sounds interesting. Keep at it and maybe your memory will come back."

"Tell me, Simone! Who am I? What do you know about me? You seem to care about me, but... ahh, Simone, I... I..."

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"


The Uribo and the Lociotti[]

Dizzy. Haven't eaten since morning. But can't rest now. My parents, wife, and kid are waiting at home with empty stomachs. God, if you're really up there, could you bestow one lousy uribo on this poor hunter? I've been wandering alone in this dark forest for so long...

And then I spotted uribo tracks in the shadow of a fallen leaf. They weren't too clear, but they seemed to head from right to left. Guess all I can do is try to find that uribo.

1. Go right

2. Go straight

3. Go left

Go right[]

"Heading right, I found a spring. There..."

"Hold on, Pablo."

1. "When will you be finished with this foolishness?"

2. "How about finishing it up?"

3. Kill him

Go straight[]

"Directly ahead... let's see... there's a big fallen tree! And next to that..."

"Hold on, Pablo."

1. "When will you be finished with this foolishness?"

2. "How about finishing it up?"

3. Kill him

Go left[]

"Left, is it? Taking ze obvious course, eh? Well... oh no! You've fallen into, how you say, ze quagmire! You're being sucked in!"

"Hold on, Pablo."

1. "When will you be finished with this foolishness?"

2. "How about finishing it up?"

3. Kill him

"When will you be finished with this foolishness?"[]

"When will you be finished with this foolishness?"


"Pablo, I hate to say this, but your story is boring! Boring!"

"I think I am going in a bold new direction zis time..."

"Bye! I'll come back later."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu?! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Annals of the Hassell Clan'

"How about finishing it up?"[]

"How about finishing it up?"

"Simone, I 'ave no time!"

"No time?"

"Je t'aime...!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Annals of the Hassell Clan'


"Oeilvert. When exactly are you going to 'bag the dog', anyway?"

"Poissonrie!? Aren't communications supposed to come through Sentir?"

"Hmph. I'm not here in person for fun.


"Before he lost his memory, he had wild, attractive eyes. But now maybe we should start referring to him as a 'pig' rather than a 'dog'. Is that agreeable to you?"

1. "Did you come here just to sneer at me?"

2. "That man's hiding an important secret."

3. Kill Poissonrie

"Did you come here just to sneer at me?"[]

"Did you come here just to sneer at me?"

"Hmph. Maybe I have been somewhat less than polite. But, just to avoid misunderstandings, may I humbly state that it would please us most greatly if we could have the job finished as soon as possible?"

"It'll be done in a few days."


"That man's hiding an important secret."[]

"That man's hiding an important secret. I can't kill him until we find out what it is."

"Hmph. Oeilvert, the boss won't stand for these delays much longer. Do it, and do it soon."


Kill Poissonrie[]

Simone pulled the knife out, and instantly a sling pellet came flying out of the darkness.

"Simone, you truly are a fool. It pains me to have to dispose of such a beautiful young lady."

The person hidden in the darkness was Sentir. Poissonrie smirked. "Sentir, not yet. We have to report to Heuler first. It was fun, Oeilvert. Thanks."

Ending 2

Annals of the Hassell Clan[]

My name's Hassell. I come from the Planet of the Spacefarers. Since I moved to this planet that I live on now, everything's such... a... hassle!

My rival is the infamous Sosa family business conglomerate. Love to fight with them, but that's another... hassle! I'll just have to apologize to them. So-sorry. There, peace has returned. The end.

"Zen ze editors told me, 'Show us some more action! Expand more!'"

1. "I think you're throwing your life away writing this stuff."

2. "Peace? Really?"

3. Kill him

"I think you're throwing your life away writing this stuff."[]

"I think you're throwing your life away writing this stuff. Why not listen to the editor's suggestions?"

"Ahh, Simone, you see, zat is ze problem! I am the kind of man who simply cannot listen to others! That is ze kind of man I am. Listen to others, I cannot do zis."

"You don't have to say it twice."

"Je t'aime, ma belle Simone!"

"Pablo, stop that! What are you saying?"

"Simone, when... when will you be mine...!"

"Pablo, I'm sorry. I need to know more about you before I can answer something like that."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Mario Tresieme'

"Peace? Really?"[]

"Peace? Really? You're that complacent!"

"... peace... la paix... de sang... la paix... deux ans... ... a bloody peace? two peaceful years? Aagh, my head hurts!"


"Je t'aime, ma belle Simone!"

"Pablo, stop that! What are you saying?"

"Simone, when... when will you be mine...!"

"Pablo, I'm sorry. I need to know more about you before I can answer something like that."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To 'Mario Tresieme'

Mario Tresieme[]

"Mario Tresieme, the assassin. An accomplished professional who can view his own actions as if from another person's viewpoint. He belongs to no organization, and as long as he is paid, he has no morals or ideologies to be loyal to. His success rate: 98%. He once took out an entire company of knights; another time, he infiltrated a seemingly-impenetrable military base..."

"Switched to a more artistic style, have we?"

"Yes, Simone! Yet ze publishers are always telling me, 'We want positive stories that will lift our readers up. Make them feel good about themselves. Your work is too dark and gloomy.' Zis they say to me!"

"Who's Mario Tresieme supposed to be...?"

"Somehow, I feel like once I 'eard of zis kind of man. So I think, write ze book and maybe I remember who 'ee is."

1. "That's Duchamp you're writing about!"

2. "And did you remember anything?"

3. Kill him

"That's Duchamp you're writing about!"[]

"That's Duchamp you're writing about! But I don't think he's a real person. Supposedly some prince or other made that story up."

"Duchamp...? Mais oui! Duchamp! I shall use 'is real name and make zis into a documentary!"

"Hold on a minute."

1. "Where did you hear the name Duchamp?"

2. "If you write something like that, you'll end up dead."

3. Kill him

"Where did you hear the name Duchamp?"[]

"Where did you hear the name Duchamp?"

"What are you talking about, Simone? If you know ze name, surely it is nothing unusual if I do too!"


Kill him

"Argh! Ahhhhh... you murderer! Haaaah... Simone, stop, what are you doing!? I will die!"

1. "Was I too intense?"

2. Really kill him

"If you write something like that, you'll end up dead."[]

"If you write something like that, you'll end up dead."

"What are you talking about, Simone? Duchamp is only a fictional character! You do believe that, don't you? Now, on with the story!"


Kill him

"Argh! Ahhhhh... you murderer! Haaaah... Simone, what are you doing!? I will die!"

1. "Was I too intense?"

2. Really kill him

"Was I too intense?"[]

"Was I too intense? I'm so sorry. You really are a normal person, aren't you? I wouldn't have actually killed you, you know. Don't call me a murderer! Later, when you're ready, maybe we can be in love. A bientot, Pablo."

"Ah, Simone! Attacking me, zat is your way of loving!? Too intense, c'est vrai!"

To The One-Legged Poet

"And did you remember anything?"[]

"And did you remember anything?"

"I... well... zat is no matter! If I 'ave you, Simone, I don't need my past! You are everything to me!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

To The One-Legged Poet


I heard a voice calling out to me. It was Poissonrie, my observer.

"I heard that there was no communication from you yesterday. Is something wrong?"

"Yesterday? Yesterday Sentir was late. If you don't get someone else to take over for him, my reputation will suffer!"

"Okay, I'll mention that in my report. Anyway, how's our target doing?"

"Same as always. I've had it with listening to his mediocre attempts at literature."

"I see. Oeilvert, please don't think I'm ignoring your opinions, but the fact is that the organization is a bit short-handed. We can't have one of our best agents spending all her time shadowing a single target. You understand that, don't you?"

1. "I'll give it some thought."

2. "I'll do things my own way."

"I'll give it some thought."[]

"I'll give it some thought."

"I've heard that line before, Oeilvert. I can tell that you're afraid to do the job, and the organization sees things the same way."

1. "......"

2. "All right, I'll go along with whatever decision the organization makes."


"Oeilvert... the decision has always been in the organization's hands."

Ending 3

"All right, I'll go along with whatever decision the organization makes."[]

"Oeilvert... the decision has always been in the organization's hands."

Ending 3

"I'll do things my own way."[]

"Oeilvert... the decision has always been in the organization's hands."

Ending 3

The One-Legged Poet[]

'The cowardly poet was called 'the one-legged rabbit' and was much bullied for his infirmity. But he endured the laughs and catcalls with aplomb. Inside him was a sleeping dragon, whose fiery breath caused the poet to turn his sadness into verse.'

"Simone, sometimes I feel like I once had zis friend, and 'e had zhust one leg. And zat I am forgetting something, eet is connected to him, it has great import."

1. "Can you try to remember a little more?"

2. "Maybe it'll come to you when you finish your novel."

3. Kill him

"Can you try to remember a little more?"[]

"Can you try to remember a little more? How tall he was, or the color of his skin, or his eyes?"

"Yes, yes, zis man was trying to tell me something! He could not express himself, so he wrote it in a poem!"

...Pablo... this is your passion... you want to save her... when she passed you on the street... you wanted to open that cold heart of hers... you were in love with her! You want to save her!...

"Oeil... vert... green eyes? Non, wait... agh! I cannot remember!"

"Pablo, don't force yourself. The memories will come back some day."

"Ah, ma cherie Simone! Zat before was a shock, but now I am fine!"

"Pablo, stop that! I'm in a hurry! Aren't you busy yourself?"

"Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could..."

"Pablo, don't say anything. I understand. Just let me think about it a little more. Right now I have to get going."

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

Pub de Oiseau

"Maybe it'll come to you when you finish your novel."[]

"Maybe it'll come to you when you finish your novel."

"Yes, yes! Zat is what will 'appen, exactement! I must 'urry and finish zis novel! But... I have one problem, Simone. I have no... argent! No money!"

1. "Oh, all right, I'll lend you some."

2. "How about getting a job for a change?"

3. Kill him

"Oh, all right, I'll lend you some."[]

"Oh, all right, I'll lend you some."

"Simone! Merci beaucoup! You invest in my future! Someday, when I become so famous, I shall return it!"

"This is the last time, Pablo. If you don't get a job, I'm not coming back. Understand?"

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

Pub de Oiseau

"How about getting a job for a change?"[]

"How about getting a job for a change? Do I look like a walking bank?"

"Ah, Simone! Ou vas-tu??! Je t'aime! Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire demain?"

Pub de Oiseau

Pub de Oiseau[]

"Pablo, you still don't trust me? Don't you need to trust me for your work?"

"But Monsieur Black, your 'umanity I shall never doubt! You are helping us move forward!"

"Pablo, is this another novel? Is this helping you get your memory back?"

"I myself do not know. But writing it makes me feel that my memories will soon return."

1. "Then can't you hurry up and remember?"

2. "Why do you need to write in order to stimulate your memory?"

3. Kill him

"Then can't you hurry up and remember?"[]

"Then can't you hurry up and remember? Show me some more; maybe I can help.

"Let me see... I have zis, and zis here..."

"I'd been wondering what you were working on in here. Are you writing a sensual novel this time?

"Simone... maybe could you please go home? I need some peace and quiet. Just leave me alone... but do not dislike me?"

"Okay. But get back to your room tonight, won't you?"

The Lovers

"Why do you need to write in order to stimulate your memory?"[]

"Why do you need to write in order to stimulate your memory?"

"Simone, you ask me why I write. It is like... something welling up from my heart. It is like... hic!"

"You're drunk, Pablo. Let's get you home."

"Simone, it is so hard for me to ask this, but... were you once the lover of a friend of mine?"

"...I can't answer that now. Besides, as drunk as you are, you won't remember."

"My friend's name is Black. Is that right? Tell me about zis Black! I need to remember! For his sake!"

"When you're sober. Look, there's your apartment. I'll stay with you tonight. How's that?"

1. Fall asleep in Pablo's room

2. Sneak away

3. Kill him

Fall asleep in Pablo's room[]

Public Library

Sneak away[]

Public Library

The Lovers[]


Dear Simone,

I have finally remembered that you were indeed the lover of my friend. But I cannot recall anything beyond that. Several times, I have thought that I must kill you. I can't control my own feelings, and so I have decided to leave. Do not look for me.

- Pablo

"He escaped out the back door! I've underestimated him... this is bad. What will Poissonrie do?"

1. Look for Pablo

2. Hide

3. Report

Look for Pablo[]

That evening, Pablo headed for his old friend's apartment. But, waiting for him there was his landlord, who was in fact Poissonrie the assassin. Pablo, knowing nothing of this kindly man's real occupation, spilled the entire contents of what he could remember, falling for Poissonrie's gambit completely.

"Oeilvert, you're too late. Your job's over; Jumelle will handle it. We'll deal with your case at the meeting tomorrow, so don't leave town."

1. "I haven't done anything wrong!"

2. Leave town

"I haven't done anything wrong!"[]

"I haven't done anything wrong!"

"Hmph. Didn't think you were the kind of woman to make excuses. Looks like you take after your mother Marcia than your father Albert. Oh, shouldn't have said that. And now I must be going, before my life is in danger."

1. Stab Poissonrie

2. Control yourself

Stab Poissonrie[]

Simone pulled the knife out, and instantly a sling pellet came flying out of the darkness.

"Simone, you truly are a fool. It pains me to have to dispose of such a beautiful young lady."

The person hidden in the darkness was Sentir. Poissonrie smirked. "Sentir, not yet. We have to report to Heuler first. It was fun, Oeilvert. Thanks."

Ending 2

Control yourself[]

Ending 4

Leave town[]

Ending 2


Ending 2


"What!? That's all!? And you had so many chances to deal with him...!"

"Pablo might have known about Duchamp. It was worth letting him live a bit longer."

"What the organization needs now isn't a murderer-for-hire... you'll be punished."

Ending 3

Public Library[]


"Edgar Black: second president of the anti-government Laga faction; known as the Popular Gimp due to his lost right leg. In 788, when this country held its first democratic elections (known popularly as the Cubist elections), he used his advantaged position within the Laga faction to deliver a pro-royalist speech advocating the dissolution of his own group shortly before the election. This led to the fall of the Laga faction, but what became of Black afterward is unknown. It is possible that someone from either the royalist group or the Lagaists killed him."

"What's that you're reading?"

"Simone! I did indeed know zis man! Tell me, what kind of man waz he?"

1. "Don't worry about that."

2. Tell him a little and see what happens

3. Kill him

"Don't worry about that."[]

"Don't worry about that; you don't need to know."

"Simone, what are you saying? Eez eet not you who first suggested zat I try and remember? Or is it too hard for you to talk about your former paramour?"

"I misread you, Pablo; I didn't think you'd be able to understand other people's troubles."

"Oh, Simone, I understand zem so perfectly! You're so warm, so soft... ahh, I need you! I need you, Simone!"

"Get serious, Pablo!"

"But, Simone..."

La Paix de Sang

Tell him a little and see what happens[]

"That's right, the one-legged poet you were writing about is Edgar Black. Just as in your story, he betrayed his friends in the end, and disappeared."

"But... he wouldn't... that's...

But anyway, what is zis 'Laga faction'?"

"Hard to explain to someone with no past! You see, you, Black, and I were all activists for the Laga faction. You were the group's lobbyist, and you used to write newspaper articles. Maybe some of your writing is filed away here!"

"It isn't. I've looked all over for writing zat looks like mine, and zere is none. Zat is why I must ask you! What was I doing then? What did I talk about? How did I end up falling into ze ocean!?"


1. "Shall we go to the ocean and see?"

2. "Forget about that! I need you now!"

3. Kill him

"Shall we go to the ocean and see?"[]

The Drowning Rabbit

"Forget about that! I need you now!"[]

"Forget about that, Pablo! I need you, now!"

"Simone! What do you mean by 'need'!?"

The Drowning Rabbit

La Paix de Sang[]

"Black, you're going to lead the Laga faction onward!"

"Anietta... do you really think I'm capable of that?"

"Hee hee, don't worry, I'll oversee everything. You just follow my instructions. We'll do it for the eternal glory of the king!"

"Somebody!! Help! Chirico's been attacked!"

"Huh? Who attacked him? One of the king's men?"

"Looks like it. Black got in the way, but Chirico's seriously injured."

"Where's the attacker?"

"She got away through the window. We've got to go after her!"

'"Pablo, why are you writing this?"

"I cannot make progress! But Monsieur Henri, ze actor, he seems to like it so far..."

1. "Who's the model for Anietta?"

2. "If you can't make any progress, why not give up?"

3. Kill him

"Who's the model for Anietta?"[]

"Who's the model for Anietta?"

"Simone... while the model may not be you, somehow in my mind I cannot separate you and Monsieur Black."

"But you've got the 'Popular Gimp' as the villain in this story. Are you really going to release it to the public?"

"Zis is what Monsieur Henri says to me: try writing ze novel with ze Popular Gimp as a royal spy."

1. "That's insulting to him!"

2. Kill Henri

3. Kill Pablo

"That's insulting to him!"[]

"That's insulting to him!"

"Simone... I think so too. But Black, he is... Black is... you see, in zat pub, I... ouch, my head hurts!"

"Let's get going, Pablo. Don't push yourself."

The End For Us

Kill Henri[]

"Did you meet Henri at the publisher's office?"


"Why didn't you tell me? Has someone been giving him ridiculous ideas?"

Death of a Thespian

"If you can't make any progress, why not give up?"[]

"If you can't make any progress, why not give up?"

"No, zat I cannot do! Though I missed the publisher's New Author Prize, ze actor Henri says that if they would perform it on ze stage, zis one will be my big break!"

1. "Fine! Do whatever you want!"

2. "Are you meeting this Henri at the publisher's office?"

3. Kill him

"Fine! Do whatever you want![]


"Are you meeting this Henri at the publisher's office?"[]

"Are you meeting this Henri at the publisher's office?"


"Why didn't you tell me!? Has someone been giving him ridiculous ideas?"

The End For Us

The Drowning Rabbit[]

"Black!! Where are you!? Where have you gone? Tell me! Who am I!!?"

1. "Let's get back to town."

2. "Want to go to the spot where you washed up?"

3. Kill him

"Let's get back to town."[]

"Let's get back to town."

"No, Simone! I must find Black! I cannot go on like zis, not knowing who I am!"

1. "Black's dead."

2. "Some things are better left forgotten."

3. Kill him

"Black's dead."[]

"Black's dead."

"Non! Zat cannot be! Black! Where are you? Answer me!!"

"Pablo, please, I can't stay here. It's too sad..."

"Simone... are you crying?"

"Of course not! I never cry!"

La Paix de Sang

"Some things are better left forgotten."[]

"Some things are better left forgotten."

"Why would 'e be dead!? Someone killed him? Did... I kill him!?"

"Don't be silly. Let's get home. I don't want to be here; it's too sad."

"Simone... are you crying?"

"Of course not! I never cry!"

La Paix de Sang

Fall sleep - "Want to go to the spot where you washed up?"[]

" sorry, Black, but you need to... disappear. There's no avoiding destiny..."

"Oeilvert, I thought you were on my side. This really is unfortunate."

"You really have gotten used to Laga's stink."

"Short indeed, but a job well done."

"Black!! Get away from her! Do you not have your own job!?"

..."What, Pablo, have you remembered something?"

"Simone, my head hurts! The pain! Stay here at my side! Please, Simone!"

Clef de Revolution

Sneak out - "Want to go to the spot where you washed up?"[]

" sorry, Black, but you need to... disappear. There's no avoiding destiny..."

"Oeilvert, I thought you were on my side. This really is unfortunate."

"You really have gotten used to Laga's stink."

"Short indeed, but a job well done."

"Black!! Get away from her! Do you not have your own job!?"

Suddenly, a man's voice. "Pablo, have you remembered something? I think you have."

"Who are you!?"

"An old friend of yours. Call me... Boucherie."

"But where is Simone? Where has she gone!?"

"I've... taken care of her. Never would've guessed that she'd be so useless."

"What do you mean by zat!? 'Taken care of'!?"

"The woman you call Simone is a spy. A spy who killed your dear friend. And after getting the information she wanted out of you, she would have 'bagged' you as well. Does this sound familiar?"

"Non! You are lying! What have you done with Simone!?"

"You haven't remembered a thing, have you? And she's been stuck trailing you all this time.

You were a Laga lobbyist, and your dear friend Black was the faction's president. You realized Black was a spy, but said nothing to anyone, and tried to reason with him for days. Simone was in charge of watching Black; the two of them were fully tainted. Hmph... I sure have become chatty since Sentir started working for me.

Don't bother remembering anything, Pablo. Both sides did their parts, and now we have an uneasy peace. A peace that I don't want to see broken. As long as you admit that Black left nothing behind, everything is fine."

1. "What have you done with Simone!?"

2. "I shall tell you ze secret; just let me live."

3. Try to run away

"What have you done with Simone!?"[]

Ending 5

"I shall tell you ze secret; just let me live."[]

Ending 5

Try to run away[]

Ending 5

The End For Us[]

At a small pub whose name means "little bird". Sentir and Jumelle outside. One guarding each exit, in all probability.

"Simone, you seem to all about Black. I am trying to remember, and I an writing zese books, and now my memories are all mixed up between zem! Some help, s'il vous plait?"

"All right, I'll tell you what I know. Black is indeed a royal spy. Just as in your book, he lost his leg, and the story of how he protected his group's leaders was invented to drum up sympathy for him."

"Who caused him to lose his leg?"

"I did. I was watching over him. The Laga faction had four other spies as well."

"Simone... so, the one who killed Black is..."

"Yes. Now do you remember?"

"No! All too sad. I cannot think about eet! I shall go insane!"

"Pablo, let me give it to you straight. This is the end for us. We're going to die. We have no moves left; it's checkmate. I was supposed to kill you, and I couldn't. The royalists' henchmen will come for us, and it'll be all over."

"Simone... let us run away! Forget ze past! Forget Black!"

"You men are all so stupid... Pablo, I could still kill you now and return to my organization!"

"Eh? You... couldn't... fine!... do what you like! If killing me will give you happiness, Simone, kill me a hundred times over!"

Oeilvert... I wanted to give this to you on your birthday...

...don't move! Childish nonsense! In love with you? Do you really think I was serious!?...

...but, Oeil... vert... I want you to have...

"Simone! Let us go far away! Forget everything; start a new life! You are not 'Oeilvert'! You are my dear Simone!"

1. "Tu es tres bien fait."

2. "C'est une merveilleuse nuit."

3. Kill him

"Tu es tres bien fait."[]

Ending 2

"C'est une merveilleuse nuit."[]

"C'est une merveilleuse nuit. Thank you for the wonderful evening, Pablo."

"Every evening can be wonderful for us, Simone! Je t'aime, Simone---!"

"I can't kill you, Pablo. But I can't protect you either. Would you mind walking under the stars with me before it's all over?"

Ending 2

Death of a Thespian[]

"Someone call a doctor! Maybe we can save him! ... What? No, I have no idea! But his body is still warm! Poison, maybe?"

"That's impossible! Who would poison Monsieur Henri? Who on earth...!"

"I said I don't know!!"

"Pablo, maybe today we should be getting home soon?"

"'Today'!? Today!? Merde! It's all over!"

"Excuse me, is Monsieur Henri dead?"

"Pablo, forget it. He's been poisoned, and he's dead. You can tell by looking at him."

"Simone... why are you...?"

"Let's go home. It's too bad about not being able to get any more work from him, but you can't stop Fate." can't stop fate... don't hate me...

...Oeilvert... I thought we were friends...

"Simone, wait! Let me see ze body! Let me see Monsieur Henri!!"

1. Ignore him

2. Get in his way

3. Kill him

Ignore him[]

Ending 6

Get in his way[]

"Calm down, Pablo!"

"Out of ze way, you foul murderer! You killed Black, and Monsieur Henri as well!"

"Hah! And what of it? I don't know what you've remembered, but who'll believe such nonsense!?"

"Die! I promised Black to revive the rotten Laga faction! And I shall not let you stop me! Never!"

Ending 6

Clef de Revolution[]

She has honey-colored hair, and deep green eyes. Her name is Simone. Or is it? I know one man who once called her "Oeilvert". He is her lover; my friend. But now he's dead. Killed by this honey-haired... Oeilvert...

"Simone... if you don't agree to help me, either you're playing stupid, or my memories are wrong. Je ne sais pas. But please tell me more. I must remember!"

1. "'Oeilvert' is my code name."

2. "Remember what?"

3. Kill him

"'Oeilvert' is my code name."[]

"'Oeilvert' is my code name. My mission was to spy on Black. Whether or not I'm stupid is irrelevant, as you'll soon be meeting him. But before that, could you tell me something...?

1. "What happens next in the poet story?"

2. "Did Black leave anything with you?"

3. "Do you still want to have me?"

"What happens next in the poet story?"[]

"What happens next in the poet story?"

"Ze poet... zat is, Black... in the end, he agreed with me! Entente! Zat is why you murdered him! But that was not the end! Listen to me... Oeilvert! Black left a message with me before he died! A message for you!"

Oeilvert... I've got a trump card. With this, you and I can be free...

"And I don't even know what zis means! Je ne sais rien! Life is nothing but 'ardship! All that is left for me is to follow Black to ze grave!? Fine!"

"Black had... a 'trump card'!? Impossible; he couldn't have..."

"Simone, what does zis mean!? Trump card?"

"He's talking about Duchamp. Before the Black incident, Duchamp made sure that a third agent was involved."

"What means zis word 'agent'?"

"Duchamp's an assassin. He's the world's greatest, and has never failed to get his target. He always works with three intervening agents, so no one can contact him directly. But Black seems to have... Pablo, if the talisman still exists, this isn't over!"


"He left money with the third agent, then took one side of a matching-halves talisman and passed it to the target, ensuring that the job was done."

"But where is zis talisman? It must be at the bottom of the sea, along with Black 'imself."

"The other half..."

Oeilvert... I wanted to give this to you on your birthday...

...don't move! Childish nonsense! In love with you? Do you really think I was serious!?...

...but, Oeil... vert... I want you to have...

Black... he couldn't have been talking about... that pendant!?

La Paix deux ans

"Did Black leave anything with you?"[]

"Did Black leave anything with you?"


"Do you know why I couldn't kill you right away, Pablo? Black and I were lovers -- or at least he seemed to think so. And he was good friends with you. In fact, he trusted you -- the Laga faction lobbyist -- more than he trusted me."

"You know what else I remember? You watching Monsieur Black always so carefully!"

"I had to watch him closely. You had figured out that Black was a royalist spy, and you were trying to persuade him to come over to your side. And Black told me all kinds of things about the rottenness of the royalists, and the lives of regular people... But what could I do? Don't you understand? You were free to press your opinion on him, and that's fine, but Black and I had families and friends on the royalist side! If I hadn't killed Black, my family, and his, would have all ended up dead!"

"Simone, I wish I could have just remained in love with you... now your words sound so... empty."

"Inside him was a sleeping dragon, whose fiery breath caused the poet to turn his sadness into verse, which flowed through the floorboards down to the King of Hell..."

Oeilvert... I've got a trump card. With this, you and I can be free...

"And I don't even know what zat means! I don't care! Life is nothing but 'ardship! All that is left for me is to follow Black to ze grave!? Fine!"

"Black had... a 'trump card'!? Impossible; he couldn't have..."

"Simone, what does zis mean!? Trump card?"

"He's talking about Duchamp. Before the Black incident, he made sure that a third agent was involved."

"What means zis word 'agent'?"

"Duchamp's an assassin. He's the world's greatest, and has never failed to get his target. He always works with three intervening agents, so no one can contact him directly. But Black seems to have... Pablo, if the talisman still exists, this isn't over!"


"He left money with the third agent, then took one side of a matching-halves talisman and passed it to the target, ensuring that the job was done."

"But where is zis talisman? It must be at the bottom of the sea, along with Black 'imself."

"The other half..."

"Oeilvert... I wanted to give this to you on your birthday..."

"...don't move! Childish nonsense! In love with you? Do you really think I was serious!?..."

"...but, Oeil... vert... I want you to have..."

Black... he couldn't have been talking about... that pendant!?

La Paix deux ans

"Do you still want to have me?"[]

"Do you still want to have me?"

"Simone... many times, until now, I 'ave felt zis urge to kill you. I did not know why, but now... now I know."

"Goodbye, Pablo."

Ending 1

"Remember what?"[]

"Remember what? You've always got your head in the clouds; I can't keep up with what you're thinking."

"Apologies, Simone. I am indeed worthless. Here, have zis. A note from Black. Now, for me... it is all over."

"You remember this note now!?"

"Oeilvert... I've got a trump card. With this, you and I can be free..."

"And I don't even know what zis means! I don't care! Life is nothing but 'ardship! All that is left for me is to follow Black to ze grave!? Fine!"

"Black had... a 'trump card'!? Impossible; he couldn't have..."

"Simone, what does zis mean!? Trump card?"

"He's talking about Duchamp. Before the Black incident, Duchamp made sure that a third agent was involved."

"What means zis word 'agent'?"

"Duchamp's an assassin. He's the world's greatest, and has never failed to get his target. He always works with three intervening agents, so no one can contact him directly. But Black seems to have... Pablo, if the talisman still exists, this isn't over!"


"He left money with the third agent, then took one side of a matching-halves talisman and passed it to the target, ensuring that the job was done."

"But where is zis talisman? It must be at ze bottom of the sea, along with Black 'imself."

"The other half..."

"Oeilvert... I wanted to give this to you on your birthday..."

"...don't move! Childish nonsense! In love with you? Do you really think I was serious!?..."

"...but, Oeil... vert... I want you to have..."

Black... he couldn't have been talking about... that pendant!?

La Paix deux ans

La Paix deux ans[]

La Paix deux ans, Path 1[]

"Oeilvert, No. 3 in the royal leftist faction. A consummate professional in the art of poison. And for such a personage to be showing up here today as an agent, something must be up."

"You're quite a professional yourself, figuring things out so quickly. The fact is that the client is dead -- killed by yours truly. And as for why I needed to do that..."

"Save it. It's been requested that I take care of royalists Heuler, Bein, and Bjorn. Do you realize what will happen if I go through with this?

"The Lagaists will use the ensuing chaos to regroup, and plunge our country back into darkness."

"If eight days pass without anything happening, I'll hand back the money from Black."

"I doubt you'll fail."

"Just in case, Oeilvert. And if you want to stay alive, you'd best be avoiding your front door."

Simone instinctively looked out the window.

"It's Poissonrie. Thanks, Duchamp. You be careful too."


"Now, Pablo, shall you and I observe this coming hell together?"

Ending 8

La Paix deux ans, Path 2[]

"Forget it. I'm not dealing with a client who's got poison claws like yours. This meeting is over."

"Wait! Of course a professional like yourself could see through that. I'll wait in the front. Pablo, dear friend of my late client, shall be the one to explain matters to you."

"Unbelievable that the other half still exists. How did you keep it hidden from the Royal Intelligence Committee for two whole years? In any case, if eight days pass without anything happening, I'll hand back the money from Black. Unless that happens, we'll not meet again.

Just to confirm: I shall dispose of royalists Heuler, Bein, and Bjorn. Do you realize what will happen if I go through with this?"

"The Lagaists will use ze ensuing chaos to regroup, and plunge our country back into darkness."

The man stood up abruptly and looked out the window. "Call the waiter," he said. "And keep your voice down."

"Oh, of course. I'm not too sharp, am I? And my throat is indeed dry."

Suddenly, a shifty-eyed man was seen pulling a knife from the chest of a woman who seemed to be waiting in front of the hotel. Blood dripped from the knife as he sprinted away.

And those green eyes were left staring up at the blue sky; unblinking, motionless.

"Black... if only you didn't have that bag... maybe I wouldn't have had to kill you... you must have guessed that... so you tried to hand me the pendant in the bag. You saw that I would have taken it home with me, didn't you? Or was that just the gods taunting us with coincidence...? Oh, Black..."

Ending 7

Kill Pablo[]

".......!! Simone! Aaagh!!"


"You sure carried that heavy package a long way. I guess you want to dump his body in the sea, next to Black's?"

"Quit joking around. Pablo jumped in himself, trying to save his friend. That's what happened. Now will your special observers be taken off my back?

"Hmph. So you noticed them. I'll have to report on that. Excellent job nonetheless. How did you kill him, anyway?"

"You're pretty stupid. Loose-lipped fools like yourself have a way of ending up dead."

"Well done, Oeilvert. You're free until your next assignment. Report to any office within a month; we'll have your new orders. A bientot, Oeilvert."


1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.

Ending 2[]

Three days later, a dead male body was found off the east coast of Chit Island. He had been drinking heavily, and appeared to have drowned.

Then ten days later, a woman staying at a farmhouse in the southern mountains was found murdered. People in the area said she had gone off traveling after breaking up with her lover.

No one knows for sure if these two were indeed Pablo and Simone.

1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.


Ending 3[]

I had no chance to move out of the way. Poissonrie's knife went into my chest. Each beat of my heart sent blood spurting out, and my breath came in heaves. I couldn't speak... couldn't breathe... my consciousness was dimming. Poissonrie looked down at me and laughed.

"Maybe you'll be born on some tiny island in the south in your next life."

And those were the last words I ever heard. Pablo... now I can hear all your stories, all the way to the end.

"How about zis, Simone? I think zis is a good opening. I just love writing; once I get started, my pen keeps right on moving. Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could... Simone, Simone, Ou vas-tu?? ... "

1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.


Ending 4[]

"How about zis, Simone? I think zis is a good opening. I just love writing; once I get started, my pen keeps right on moving. Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could... Simone, Simone, Ou vas-tu?? ..."


1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.

Ending 5[]

"Ahhh... you...."

"So sorry, Oeilvert, but you have no vote in the matter. Maybe you shouldn't have taken this job to begin with. Now you can look forward to sharing a glass of wine with the rabbit at the bottom of the sea. I had been worrying that I'd have to intervene because you were getting too emotional."

"Shut up! I've never seen such a ridiculous situation!"

"Quit your laughing! And here I was thinking I'd need at least five underlings to get you safely into my hands...!"

"This is my last job, Poissonrie. Write whatever you want in your report; I won't forget this humiliation."

"In any case, do what you like with the body. I guess you'll be taking a souvenir from him, won't you? To remember him by? That's your usual thing, isn't it? Sentimental nonsense like that'll be your undoing someday. A bientot, Oeilvert!"


"How about zis, Simone? I think zis is a good opening. I just love writing; once I get started, my pen keeps right on moving. Aaaaahhh, Simone! Eet ees... zhust as you say! If only this oeuvre of mine could see publicatión! Then I could... Simone, Simone, Ou vas-tu?? ..."


1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.

Ending 6[]

And that evening, distraught over the death of a beloved actor friend of his, a man drowned. It was believed to be a suicide. Soon thereafter, several other mysterious deaths occurred, and people began talking about "Edgar Black's Curse". In fact, at the time, a play was in production which featured this demon-possessed Black.

But the whole truth still has not come out.


1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.

Ending 7[]

Three days later, Royal Intelligence Committee leader Heuler, assistant Bein, and assassin Bjorn were murdered in rapid succession, and the RIC abruptly ceased to function.

The Laga group, which had been split into two opposing halves, quickly came to life and instigated terrorist incidents in various places.

Simone was caught by Poissonrie, who had been hiding in front of the hotel, and died without having a chance to see the revolution restart itself.

Pablo exited the hotel in disguise on Duchamp's advice. Half a year later, when the revolution was in full swing, the Laga group set a fire in the city, and Pablo, forgetting any danger to himself, died searching for Simone.


1. Try again?

2. Return to the Wiki.

Ending 8[]

Three days later, Royal Intelligence Committee leader Heuler, assistant Bein, and assassin Bjorn were murdered in rapid succession, and the RIC abruptly ceased to function.

The Laga group, which had been split into two opposing halves, quickly came to life and instigated terrorist incidents in various places.

Two and a half years ago:

Former fighting champion Pablo abruptly changes careers and becomes a writer of documentaries. His articles criticizing the throne gain tremendous popular support. At the same time, the first democratic elections in the country's history are held. Prior to the election, the anti-government Lagaist group seems to be leading the polls, but suddenly, in the last debate before election day, their charismatic leader Edgar Black makes a speech praising the royal government and declaring the dissolution of the Laga group. The citizens become confused, and many voters who had been against the government reevaluate their ideas, finding support for the existing regime. In just a few days, public opinion has turned 180 degrees.

The Laga group leaders fire Black immediately and attempt to cancel his announcement of the party's dissolution. However, internal confusion and separation within the group, and fatigue after the long campaign, prevents them from bringing public opinion back to their side. Many members of the old regime are reelected, and no real revolution is able to take place.

The main Laga members go underground and keep even stronger surveillance on the government. The sense of imminent crisis remains. Indeed, to this day, Black's disappearance remains a mystery. No one knows what he was planning, or if he'd left any documents behind, and the effect that the answers to those two questions would undoubtedly have on the public caused both factions to step their vigilance up further.

Edgar Black, the "Charismatic Gimp", was originally a spy for the king. The one sent to spy on him was the woman codenamed "Oeilvert". She was the third-ranking person in the royal leftist faction, and was at the center of the royalists' internecine power struggles. And it was her -- Simone; Oeilvert -- who led him away from the masses out to the edge of town, and then to his doom.

Rumors had it that three of every ten people in the Laga faction were in fact spies for the king, but, fearing the possibility of losing their constituency, neither side would publicly confirm such a figure.

Black's superb acting and public speaking skills were what attracted people's eye, and what gained him his position in the party. When Chirico, the founder of the Laga group, was attacked by an assassin, Black became legendary for defending his man and losing his right leg in the process, but soon after that, Chirico died mysteriously.

It was the Laga lobbyist Pablo who first suspected that Black might be a spy. Rather than report this suspicion to his superiors, he instead spent many evenings attempting to reason with Black and get him over to his side. Were Laga to disband, those suspected of being spies would be expelled and a democratic government would be installed. But Black had family in the royalist faction, and thus wouldn't go over to Pablo's side so easily.

Pub de Oiseau

"Zis organization of ours is worthless! We cannot do a thing! I say we begin again from scratch and build a new group!"

"I understand your passion, Pablo, but passion only takes you so far."

"Zat I know! But can you say you are satisfied with how zese royalists do things!?"

"Pablo... what are you willing to give up in exchange for peace? Most people want to get peace at the lowest possible price. And you know what? I'm one of them! If by bending my morals a bit I can save a few people from dying, then so be it -- that's the path I'm taking."

"If zat is your philosophy, perhaps we already have peace?"

"But these ignorant peasants are totally unaware of the corruption festering in the king's palace. By showing them peace and then forcing it on them, are we not then simply taking from them like everyone else does? Pablo... all I want to do is to protect Oeilvert. I'm a weak man; protecting her is the only thing I can focus on. What else can a cripple like me do?"

"Edgar... I believe in you! Let me be the right leg you have lost! Together we shall show ze royalists that their evil machinations are all for naught!"

Author's afterword:

I never have had much talent for writing novel-like tales, but a few months ago, while working on a text on number theory, I had the opportunity to take up translating this Oeilvert text. The original is a bit damaged, and I had to rely on other translations as well as official histories such as the Tales of Enabia, but I have stayed as true to the original as possible when putting it into modern language.

Whether this tale is true or not has been the subject of much debate for some time, but considering the convincing structure of the story here presented, I cannot help but believe that it is not entirely fiction.

In the official histories, Oeilvert and Pablo, and of course Duchamp, do not appear, and Black is depicted as an ordinary spy for the royalists. The No. 3 person in the royal rightist faction is Maria Novoselic (a person whom I hope to write about more in my next book).

But a more believable candidate for No. 3 than Maria, about whom nothing at all is known following her marriage, is her alleged half-sister Simone (a. k. a. Oeilvert, or Ernesta Bulow in official documents). As for the two-year period during the revolution when records are sparse, it is impossible to speculate beyond what is already attested, and like Pablo's lost memory, it might be best to simply let sleeping dogs lie, as it were.

The original document from which I am working details other dark activities of the royalists, and if another opportunity should present itself, I would be pleased to translate more of them. I am but a humble mathematics professor at a small provincial college, and responsibility indeed weighs heavily upon me when I consider the honor of having my work read by the public.

But when I next take a sabbatical from my mathematics work in order to research more history, it would please me greatly to hear your opinions, comments, and criticisms.

This afterword has surely become quite long, and I must ask your forgiveness for my clumsy attempts at writing this sort of thing. Thank you indeed.

26th Capricorn, 988, at my home in front of the church

Kayi "Pumpkin Knock" Montesto


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